Wednesday, May 6, 2009

No White Guilt Here

So, recently a liberal family member tried to reeducate me through email in regards to the genesis of racism in our country. It was only a couple sentences but laughable, and I quickly deleted it to avoid familial confrontation and general frustration with an extremely confused portion of our county – the left. The damage was done and I have been rolling those confusing and angry sentences around in my head all day. I would like to set the record straight for all my friends and family: I have never killed an American Indian in my life! Believe it or not, I never have. In fact, when we built our house on land that we bought I didn’t even have to slaughter a single American Indian in order to begin construction! I have never called a black person a derogatory term in anger or frustration, although I have called lots of Mexicans bad names but I’m from San Diego so it’s OK. I have also never razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, so why is it that I am called a racist. Even with a black president I am called a racist for vehemently disagreeing with his policies, procedures, and just about everything he’s done to date. Napolitano and the Obama administration have already labeled me a “terrorist” because I am a right-wing extremist who believes we should close the borders and marriage is between a man and a woman, so I have nothing to lose. Why am I labeled a racist? The answer is simple: I am white. I was born white! Damn my parents for being white and mating together. I know I should feel some of that liberal white guilt, but I don’t. I am proud to be white. I am proud to be a born and bred native American. Liberals have grown so good at playing the race card to advance their own agendas, gain more power and use it as a shield to hide behind their own white guilt. The problem is that at one point in time it was a good tactic, no one wants to be a racist so they will capitulate to avoid embarrassment; nowadays if you play the card you just look stupid. Racism in America is practically dead. Travel oversees and see what true racism looks like. It will disgust you and make you realize how funny “racism” in America truly is. I befriended several Afrikaners when I was on my mission in Germany. These people were crammed into abandoned schools called ‘heims’ where they would pack 40-50 African men in one school room. These people had fled for their lives from their county and were LEGALLY in Germany. They were struggling to earn anything with the lowest jobs imaginable, even when the German people publicly put them down and treated them like inferior people, they would share their meals with us. The Germans would also have ‘Ausländer Raus!’ (foreigners out) days where they would protest foreigners (mainly Turks) in their country by closing their shops and putting AUSLANDER RAUS signs on their doors. Look at racism around the world and then applaud the progress that our own country has achieved in so little time. I could go on forever, but let me just end with this, because I disagree with you, because I am a white male, I am not a racist. I will not apologize to every American Indian I encounter because some of their ancestors might have been wronged by a white person, just like I would not expect an apology from the ancestors who made white slaves build the pyramids. To all 3 or 4 of my left leaning family members who might be going, “this guy is a jerk!” - I love you, you are dead wrong on your politics, but I still love you, just chill out on the race card, its time has passed.


  1. I think I'm grateful I wasn't included in this! Sometimes it's nice to be tucked out of the way all by myself down in SE Texas.

  2. Well put.

    Try paragraphs. They make it easier to read.

    I love you, Billy, and all my family, left, right, or (I hate to say it) in the middle.



  3. Nice work Billy. I try to select my audience carefully when sending emails, but in this case the email address kind of mislead me. Oh well, it was an exchanged filled with emotion. You wouldn't believe how many out-of-band comments I got on that email.

    Hope to see you soon!
