Saturday, February 7, 2009

3 Days Left.....and Counting

Three days from this moment, I will no longer be pregnant and will have one more little girl to chase after (or should I say, Billy will have one more girl to chase after). Rebekah Ashton Martin will arrive on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at approximately 8:00 am. Although looking back, it seems this pregnancy flew by, from day-to-day, it seemed like an eternity. For anyone reading this blog, it's really hard being old and pregnant! It's hard to believe that our family will be one larger in but a few days.

Friday was my last day at work and I can hardly believe that I won't be working for another 42 days.....I've never taken that much time off in my entire life.

To prepare for Rebekah's arrival, the whole family is nesting (because I'm making them). We are dusting, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms and getting things ready so that I can bring our new arrival to a clean home! Billy asked me this morning if I had taken crystal meth, I guess the adrenaline is flowing and the energy is abundant, despite limited sleep. A clear sign that the pregnancy is coming to a close. Despite the energy and nesting instinct, I'm trying to take it easy today, my doctor is out of town on Saturday and I wouldn't be a happy girl if some stranger did my c-section.

It's a dreary, wet day in Las Vegas, I hope that it goes by quickly so that I am just one day closer. I am looking forward to bonding with my new little girl, having my body back and beginning the road to recovery from fat, pregnant girl to skinny woman. I have no excuses to stall this time since there will be no further pregnancies in our future (tubes are being tied!!!).

To anyone reading this, love and prayers are appreciated. We are hoping that there are no complications and that Baby Rebekah doesn't follow her older sister's example (Rachel) and end up in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a short time while in the hospital.

Posted by Shelly


  1. It's so exciting Shelly! I love her name and I'm sure she'll be gorgeous. Can't wait to see photos. We're sending lots of prayers your way for a perfect delivery.

  2. Sending much love and many prayers your way. We'll be anxiously awaiting a good report!

  3. Great! I remember hearing--years ago--that the days pass slowly, but the years fly by. It's true, and gets truer the older you get (sorry, but it's true). All the best to you Sweetie--I still love my NikeIDs... Love, Linda

  4. Be blessed, Shelly, we are sending love and prayers your way.

  5. I am so excited fo you!! Seriously I know I haven't been around and a bit out of town but that went by super fast-for me! good luck and i will patiently be awaiting pics of the new baby girl!!

  6. Get that thing out of you and get on the weight loss wagon. I think it will be just the two of us...We love you and are sending good thoughts your way.

  7. When does Rebekah come home?
    I'm on the weight loss wagon too, 8 lbs this year. (I just started on Jan 1.)
