Sunday, February 15, 2009

Home Again!

Yeah! Rebekah and I came home on Friday night. We weren't sure if they were going to let us both come home, just like Rachel, close to discharge Rebekah's bilirubin levels were high. Fortunately, the fact that I'm a nurse and my pediatrician's office is open on Satudays and Sundays, convinced the hospital neonatologist to let me manage the jaundice from home with Rebekah's pediatrican.

Friday night we overdid it, my eyes are usually bigger than my stomach and I think I'm invincible. 4 kids and a fresh c-section incision don't make for easy living! Regardless, we're doing well, short of sleep and still sore from surgery, we are on our road to recovery.

Rebekah has a bili-blanket at home to help chase the jaundice away. Her levels are coming down and I think we've turned the corner (very quickly compared to Rachel). My incision is feeling better and I don't think I've even had to take any pain medication today.

We're diligently working on breastfeeding, doing much better this pregnancy than Rachel as well. I'm looking forward however in a few months to getting a full nights sleep, I think last night I got 4 hours total (divided between midnight and 9 am) and the night before about the same. The things we do for our children.....

Anyway, despite all of that, we are grateful for a big family that loves each other, grateful that I have hours at night to give up to bond with my baby, a job that pays me for maternity leave and most of all, a husband who works very hard to make it all turn out!

Babies are a miracle and Rebekah, just like the previous 3 have strengthened my testimony. To know that Billy and I are loved enough to be entrusted with another sweet spirit is awesome.

We will take some pictures tonight and post them of the newest addition. Emma, Liam and Rachel are eager to get their hands on her. Liam and Rachel are both sick, so they haven't been able to spend much time with her. We'll post more pictures later with the kids when they're healthier and not risking making Rebekah sick.

Much love to all of you who sent good wishes and prayers our way....time to get back to the baby, it's feedin' time!


  1. Oh, feedin time. That's the best. Can't wait to see photos... we're getting ready to go to the hospital with Cami tomorrow morning!

  2. I am exhausted just reading your post! Congrats on the newest little angel! Glad you are both doing well.

  3. congrats! I am so happy for you and hope that maybe-just maybe-you get a little more than 4 hours of sleep. of course if i had a girl i might not mind just getting 4 hours. enjoy your little addition. love ya!
